Thursday, January 16, 2025

(Blockchain is an undistributed ledger used to record digital transactions.) 

In recent years, we have come across the word Blockchain many times. It has become one of the major tech stories of the past decade.  But do we really understand what exactly blockchain is? Or how it works? 

Blockchain is the technology that is responsible for the existence of technology. Blockchain is the base frame on which the whole crypto infrastructure is based. Bitcoin is one of the cryptocurrencies that use blockchain first. Since then, Blockchain has explored various forms of cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance, non-fungible tokens, and smart contracts.  The mechanism of blockchain allows a transparent information exchange system within a business network. 

The idea behind the blockchain is simple, and it can potentially change the future from scratch. 

So, let’s understand in detail what blockchain Is. 


In the simplest form, Blockchain is a distributed ledger that records and stores any kind of data. It can record the information on the crypto transactions, NFT ownership, and Defi-smart contracts. The blockchain contains information in blocks linked together via cryptography.

These blocks are linked together using cryptographic information. 

Blockchain is unique in its nature and totally decentralized, which means no other person could steal data from it. Blockchain data is not maintained in one place. Instead, many administrator copies of the blockchain are generated and distributed across different computer networks.

Blockchain is made of blocks linked together to form a chain known as the blockchain. It contains the growing orders of records, called blocks. Any information in the blockchain could not be recorded retroactively without the changing of subsequent blocks. Blockchain can be used anywhere in any industry to make data immutable. 

How does blockchain work?

We all are familiar with traditional spreadsheets, Excel books, and databases. These are traditional ways to store information in a systematic manner. A blockchain is somewhat similar to these methods, but it’s different in the way it structures and accesses the information. This decentralized digital ledger is made of individual blocks of data. 

When the data in the block is accessed or altered, the entire information is encrypted via unique and unchangeable technique hashes created via the SHA-256 algorithm. The new information added in the blocks does not create any problems, and blocks append together so that any change can be monitored easily. Since the highly secured technology encrypts blockchain, it ensures records are immutable, and the network can recognize and reject any change in the ledger.

The information secured in the block permanently chains together, and transactions record identically and sequentially, forming a perfect audit history pattern that allows access into the past version of the blockchain. Most nodes verify the information and legitimacy of the data through their consensus algorithms whenever new data is added to the blocks. The cryptographic transactions must ensure that the transaction in a new block is safe or that the coins are not spent more than once.

Key components of the Blockchain 


Decentralization is one of the prime features of blockchain technology. In the conventional method, you require permission from central authority governments for transactions. On the other hand, blockchain facilitates smoother and faster transactions with the mutual consensus of users without any interruption.


Blockchain secures itself based on one of the most robust technologies, cryptography, and prevents anyone from stealing information from it. If a transaction includes an error, adding new information to correct it becomes necessary, and then both transactions will be visible.

Smart contracts:

Smart contracts are automatic protocols fed into the blockchain and executed automatically when their predetermined conditions are met.  It simplifies the process by atomically confirming all conditions, removing the parties’ need to trust each other.

What are blockchain protocols?

Blockchain protocols are essentially the underlying frameworks or systems that dictate how a blockchain operates. They are like the blueprints that define the rules and functionalities of a blockchain network. Here’s a simple breakdown of some common blockchain protocols:

Hyperledger Fabric:

Imagine Hyperledger Fabric as a versatile toolbox for businesses. It’s like having a set of tools that allows companies to quickly and efficiently build their own private blockchain applications. One of its standout features is its modular structure, which means businesses can customise it to suit their specific needs. Whether it’s tracking supply chains, managing trade finance, or handling loyalty programs, Hyperledger Fabric offers robust identity management and access control features to ensure security and efficiency.


Ethereum is like a playground for developers. It’s an open-source platform that anyone can use to create public blockchain applications. Think of it as a decentralized space where people can build and deploy smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with predefined rules. Ethereum is particularly popular for its ability to support decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, where users can engage in various financial activities without the need for intermediaries.


Corda is like a private club for businesses. It’s an open-source blockchain platform specifically designed for enterprises. With Corda, businesses can create interoperable blockchain networks that prioritise privacy. This means they can transact directly with other parties while keeping sensitive information confidential. Corda’s smart contract technology enables secure and efficient transactions, making it a favourite among financial institutions.


Quorum is like Ethereum’s private twin. Derived from Ethereum, Quorum is tailored for use in private or consortium blockchain networks. In a private network, one entity owns all the nodes, while in a consortium network, multiple entities each own a portion of the network. Quorum’s focus is on providing privacy and scalability for enterprise applications, making it an attractive choice for businesses looking to harness blockchain technology.

In essence, blockchain protocols are the building blocks that enable businesses to leverage the power of blockchain technology. Whether it’s for creating private networks, facilitating secure transactions, or fostering innovation in various industries, these protocols play a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralized applications and systems.

Why is blockchain important? `

Businesses run on information. And the accurate distribution of this information is important to success in a business. The faster they receive the information and deliver the information, the better. Blockchain is suitable for businesses bringing a system that facilitates immediate, shared,and completely transparent transactions secured on the digital ledger. 

Blockchain technology offers security in many ways; for example, new information is added to the blocks after verification. After adding a new block to the chain, the previous block can not be altered.  If any change occurs in one block, the whole will change the whole block

Types of Blockchain

There are different types of the blockchain. They include:- 

Private Blockchain

Private blockchain works on closed operations and is specially designed for private and individual operations. Companies use these types of blockchains to customize their authorization and accessibility preferences and other security parameters. 


Public blockchain

Public blockchain plays an important role in the popularization of distributed ledger technology. These blockchains also help to eliminate major changes and security concerns. Public blockchains are permissionless, so anyone can join them. They provide equal rights to everyone to edit, read, and validate the blockchain. 

Permissioned Blockchain Networks

As the name suggests, permission blockchains are designed solely for specialized access by authorized persons. Organizations specifically use these types of blockchains to connect with both worlds. They establish better structures for assigning who can participate in the network and placing transactions.

Consortium Blockchains

Like permissioned blockchains,  consortium blockchains have public and private components, except multiple organizations will manage a single consortium blockchain network. Although these types of blockchains can initially be more complex to set up, once they are running, they can offer better security. Additionally, consortium blockchains are optimal for collaboration with multiple organizations.

Hybrid Blockchains

Hybrid Blockchains are the fusion of both private and public Blockchain. In this type of blockchain, some parts are public, while authorized and specific participants access others. Hence, organizations find this type of blockchain suitable where they need to maintain balance between transparency and privacy.


Sidechains are a type of blockchain that runs parallel to prime Blockchain, offering better functionality and scalability. Developers can experiment with new features and applications with these blockchains without affecting integrity. Sidechains can be used to create decentralized applications and employ specific mechanisms.

Blockchain Layers

Blockchain layers refer to a typical concept of building multiple layers of the blockchain on the top of each layer. Each layer of the Blockchain has its own functionality, which makes it unique. This method ensures scalability, as transactions can be processed very smoothly across different layers.

How do different industries use blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is evolving various industries by providing innovative solutions to age-old problems. Here’s how different sectors are utilising blockchain in simple terms:

  • Energy: Imagine if your neighbour with solar panels could sell you excess energy directly without involving a middleman. That’s possible with blockchain. People with solar panels can sell their extra energy to neighbours through a platform that uses blockchain. This platform automatically records transactions, making the process smooth and transparent. Also, blockchain enables crowdfunding for solar panels in communities without access to electricity. Once these panels are set up, sponsors may receive rent, all tracked securely on the blockchain.
  • Finance: Banks and stock exchanges are using blockchain to make online transactions and faster and more secure trading. For example, in Singapore, they’re using blockchain to improve interbank payments. This means no more long waits for payments to go through or manual checks to conform transactions. Blockchain ensures everything is done accurately and efficiently.
  • Media and Entertainment: Blockchain assists in managing copyright data in media and entertainment. For artists to get paid fairly, it’s crucial to track the transfer or sale of copyright content. Sony Music Entertainment Japan, for example, is using blockchain to streamline digital rights management. This means artists can get paid faster, and it reduces the costs of managing copyrights.
  • Retail: Ever thought and got worried about buying fake products online? Blockchain can help with that too. Amazon, for instance, is exploring blockchain to verify the authenticity of products sold on its platform. With blockchain, sellers and buyers can get tracking details for the journey of products from manufacturer to consumer. This ensures that what you’re buying is genuine and not a knock-off or fake.


In conclusion, blockchain technology is not just a trending word, it’s a game-changer for businesses across various sectors. From finance to energy, media to retail, blockchain is streamlining processes, enhancing security, and fostering trust among users and participants. Its decentralized nature and transparent ledger system enhance the conduct of transactions, making them faster, more efficient, and less prone to fraud. As we move forward, embracing blockchain will be effective for businesses to stay competitive and relevant in an increasingly digital world. It’s not just about adopting new technology, it’s about embracing a new way of doing things that can lead to greater innovation, efficiency, and success. So, whether you’re a large corporation or a small startup, understanding and leveraging blockchain technology will be key to your future success.

Blockchain is like a digital ledger that records transactions securely and transparently. It eliminates the need for intermediates, speeds up processes, decreases costs, and ensures trust among parties. Whether it’s trading energy, handling finances, managing copyrights, or tracking products, blockchain is transforming industries by making things simpler, more efficient, and trustworthy for everyone. This blockchain technology has capabilities to reshape the future. 


1. What is Blockchain, in simple words?

Blockchain is a decentralized database that records cryptographic and other types of transaction details. The Information recorded in the blockchain is difficult to modify or change.  

Blockchain is a shareable ledger that records transactions and is difficult to modify or change. It also tracks tangible and intangible assets such as cash or a house.

2. What are the main types of Blockchain?

There are several blockchain platforms available there. The most common Blockchain types include public blockchains, private blockchains, consortium blockchains, and hybrid blockchains.

3. How are public and Private Blockchains different?

Private blockchains are only limited to individual uses. In contrast, anyone can access the public blockchain.  

4. What is a Blockchain Platform?

A Blockchain Platform is any platform that exists to support or facilitate Blockchains. There are many types of blockchain platforms for different needs, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.

5. Who Invented Blockchain?

Blockchain was created by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, who created the world’s first cryptocurrency, bitcoin. 

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